Representing financial market professionals based in France




Acting chiefly through its Corporate Finance Committee, AMAFI is keeping close tabs on work being done to revise the Prospectus Directive. Following a legislative process that resulted in the publication in June of the new Prospectus Regulation, some of whose prov...


MIF 2 – Gouvernance Produit & Marché Cible – Publication de l'European MiFID Template (EMT)

L’AMAFI met à la disposition de ses adhérents l’European MiFID Template (EMT), un fichier d’échanges de données standardisées requises dans le cadre de MIF 2. Ce document est le fruit de travaux menés par...


MIFID 2 - 4 july 2017

On July 4, AMAFI organised a conference on MIFiD 2 : six months before its entry into force   For further information contact : [email protected]


AMAFI-FBF Guide - Systems to prevent market abuse

AMAFI is pleased to anounce that its last update of AMAFI – FBF Guide « systems to prevent market abuse » is now available in english.  This version is the fourth update of the Guide and seeks in particular to capture changes...


"Evaluating the impact of financial reforms" by Pierre de Lauzun

See  the op-ed published on the public forum area of les


Pierre de Lauzun elected Chair of ICSA

Pierre de Lauzun, AMAFI Chief Executive, has been elected Chair of the International Council of Securities Associations, ICSA. The Annual General Meeting of ICSA was held in Mexico City from May 21-23.



AMAFI met with AMF representatives to talk about international securities identification numbers (ISINs) for financial instruments and the concept of "traded on a trading venue" (TOTV), following positions adopted by the ESMA Board of Supervisors on 29 M...


Reforming France's independent authorities

AMAFI published a briefing paper (AMAFI / 17-34) on reforms to France's independent administrative authorities (AAIs) and independent public authorities (APIs) resulting from measures introduced by Act No. 2017-55 of 20 January 2017. In addition to briefly rev...


European supervisory framework

The European Commission began a consultation in mid-March on reforming the framework for the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs): ESMA (securities and markets), EBA (banks) and EIOPA (insurance). Given the activities of its membership, AMAFI focused its res...